Bezoekende piloten
Piloten die met hun vliegtuig op de opendeurdagen wensen langs te komen, kunnen zich hier registreren.
Our airfield is stricktly PPR. Phone number +32 496 37 64 66 during opening hours (Saturday, Sunday, official and military Holidays - from 0900LT till 2200LT or sunset, whichever is earlier). No civil flights allowed outside the club's opening hours.
Right hand circuit, circuit altitude 1000ft AGL (1250ft AMSL). Follow published circuits to avoid populated areas:
Landing fee: 5,00 EUR per aircraft for non club members.
Due to environmental regulations: no DPM, no low passes, no touch and go allowed for non home-based aircraft. Airfield closed on Easter Mondays²
Goetsenhoven Radio 125,380
Glider winching possible. Do not overfly AD below 2000ft AMSL.
Helicopter procedures explained in this document. No low level HEL OPS south of RWY06/24 allowed.